Facial Symmetry and Plastic Surgery

Facial symmetry refers to when the features on one side of the face completely mirror those on the other, down to the exact shapes, sizes, tone, and texture. While nobody’s face is perfectly symmetrical, slight discrepancies aren’t usually noticeable to the naked eye. Unfortunately, sometimes they are, which can affect a patient’s self-esteem and confidence. […]
Tips on Enjoying Successful Oculoplastic Surgery Recovery

Oculoplastic surgery, a specialized branch of ophthalmic surgery, requires careful attention to the recovery process to achieve optimal results. Develop a better understanding of the recovery phase, from the initial stages of recovery to implementing effective postoperative care and aftercare tips in Little Rock. At Arkansas Oculoplastic Surgery, Dr. Brock is dedicated to guiding our […]
COVID-19 Vaccine

This morning, as I write, brings the close to an exciting week and also a beginning of sorts. Last week was a week of hope. My colleagues and I in Little Rock, and across our country and world, experienced relief and strong emotions, as the vaccine for COVID-19 virus rolled out. The virus we have […]
Cosmetic surgery spikes during COVID

I’ve noticed for several weeks that patients are seeking cosmetic brow and eyelid surgery in higher numbers than average. Patients have confirmed that remote meetings such as Zoom have given them a perspective on their face they had not appreciated before in a mirror alone. There’s something about sharing their face with others that draws […]
Dysport Injections Are Great for Frown Lines

If you have lines on your forehead, or between your eyes – yes, the ones that show up characteristically with age – you want to be rid of them, and fast. The effective and quick way to get rid of these frown lines (glabellar lines), is to use an injection of Botulinum toxin A, or […]
Coming In for a Neck Lift

A neck lift is a cosmetic procedure directed towards those with aging symptoms in the neck area. When coming in for neck lift, you should consider the following: The kind of neck lift you need: The kind of procedure you need depends on your target area. Fixing your double chin, for example, will only require […]
Does Upper Blepharoplasty Lift Drooping Eyelids?

The eyes are the most vital part of our body. They can be used to gauge moods, express emotions, and play a crucial role in our aesthetics and how we come across to other people. Eyes are, in a way, the window to our soul. Hence, it is incredibly essential to take care of them. […]
Chemical Peels Little Rock

Today there are more options than ever before when it comes to facial rejuvenation. Chemical Peels are one such option for creating more vibrant, healthy looking skin. Chemical Peels come in various strengths that and work by removing the damaged outer layer of skin to reveal the new, fresh layer beneath. Chemical Peels can improve […]
Brow Lift Little Rock

The Brow Lift has helped many men and women of various ages reduce the common signs of aging. For many people the first place lines, wrinkles, creases, and sagging may appear is in the brow–it is one of the more expressive areas of our face so lines and creases may be more prone to show […]
Eyelid Lift Little Rock

Eyelid Lift surgery, also called blepharoplasty, is performed to improve the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids by removing common signs of aging. The eyelid lift procedure can create a natural looking rejuvenation that reduces lines, creases, wrinkles, puffiness, and sagging. In more severe cases the sagging of the upper eyelid may even hinder […]