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Laser Resurfacing in Little Rock

Little Rock Oculoplastic & Facial Cosmetic Surgeon


With the help of laser resurfacing, Little Rock patients and patients traveling to central Arkansas can address numerous skin issues. At Arkansas Oculoplastic Surgery, we offer the ContourTRL laser platform, an advanced cosmetic laser that will take years off your appearance and give you back the youthful appearing skin you miss so much. With ContourTRL from Sciton, we can perform a variety of laser resurfacing treatments to suit the unique needs of each patient.

ContourTRL can be calibrated to perform the NanoPeel, the MicroLaserPeel, and full-field resurfacing. The right treatment option for you will depend on your specific skin issues and your aesthetic goals.


Good Candidates for Laser Resurfacing

Patients who are in need of a solution to signs of aging and skin damage can turn to laser resurfacing. Ideal candidates are those who have age-related changes to their skin such as “blotchy” pigment over their face or hands. Patients should be in reasonably good health and have realistic expectations in terms of results.

If you smoke, you know this is damaging to your skin. It is important to discontinue smoking. If you are making an investment in your skin, you will be glad you did not continue to damage it! Many patients have laser treatments as a celebration and reward to themselves that they have discontinued nicotine and smoking.

Your Consultation

A consultation is necessary to help get the most out of laser resurfacing. The patient’s skin will be examined to determine the best approach to the treatment. The health of the patient will be discussed during the consultation to ensure that nothing in their medical history will get in the way of the treatment.

The patient can also ask any questions they may have about the treatment. Their concerns can be addressed so that they can be at ease when they come in for their treatment session.

What Is ContourTRL?

ContourTRL (Tunable Resurfacing Laser) by Sciton is a state-of-the-art laser that can resurface the skin using erbium:YAG laser energy. This energy peels away layers of dead and damaged skin, revealing new youthful skin that is free from imperfections.

It can be used to treat many areas of the body, including the neck, hands, chest, and face. All skin types can be treated. It can also be performed in conjunction with other aesthetic procedures for increased rejuvenation.

What sets ContourTRL apart from other skin resurfacing laser technologies is its independent controls for tissue ablation and coagulation. This allows for gentle, moderate, or deep resurfacing and offers a high degree of precision and customization, making it a safe and effective option for every patient.

Because other lasers do not offer separate controls for coagulation and ablation, they can cause frustrating side effects and a long and uncomfortable recovery process.

What Is Ablation?

Laser resurfacing is an ablative treatment, meaning it is designed to remove dull skin. ContourTRL’s ultra-short laser pulses deliver heat energy to the skin, ablating dead and damaged skin cells. When the laser energy interacts with the cells, it breaks the existing chemical bonds. This converts the cells from a solid state to a gas or a plasma state.

Laser ablation with ContourTRL is a very safe process, since just the smallest amount of required heat is transferred to the region. This allows it to avoid causing harm to surrounding tissues.

The NanoPeel

Our NanoPeel, also called the NanoLaserPeel, is a light superficial laser peel. This treatment is used to even out skin tone, make rough skin smoother, and add a youthful glow.

Because it is so gentle, the NanoPeel only requires topical anesthesia before treatment. The treatment process is also very quick and simple.

The NanoPeel is ideal for patients trying out their first laser treatment, since it requires very little downtime (usually only 1 to 2 days). Because of this, it is often referred to as a Lunchtime or Weekend Peel.

The MicroLaserPeel

Our MicroLaserPeel is ideal for facial skin resurfacing. The laser works for all areas of the face to reduce the signs of wrinkles, dyschromia, age spots and acne scars. This process gives the skin a more even tone and a youthful glow, eliminating a tired and dull appearance. Visible differences are present after just one treatment session. Patients should expect moderate flaking and peeling for approximately 3-5 days.

Full-Field Resurfacing

Full-field resurfacing is a type of deep laser skin resurfacing used to create impressive rejuvenation. This treatment is capable of resolving a wide variety of skin issues:

  • Drooping skin in regions like the lower eyelids and cheeks
  • Scars, including acne scars
  • Harsh wrinkles (rhytides), including age lines around the mouth and eyes
  • Sun spots
  • Rough texture
  • Uneven tone

What Is the Laser Resurfacing Treatment Process Like?

Dr. Brock performs deep laser resurfacing of the face under general anesthesia. At the start of the treatment session, the skin is cleaned, and then the eyes are protected using safety shields. Additional local anesthesia is administered in order to numb the region. The handpiece is then used to evenly administer laser energy to the skin.

The recovery process after your laser skin resurfacing treatment varies depending on the depth of the treatment. Patients should plan on 5-8 days of recovery before the skin has healed and they can cover with make-up. Redness will last for several weeks. It will be vital to follow Dr. Brock’s post-treatment care directions.

How Long Does It Take to See Results from Laser Resurfacing?

Patients will see results after a single treatment. Results will depend on the original condition of your skin and the treatment you choose. Full-field resurfacing treatments definitely offer the most dramatic results, followed by the MicroPeel and NanoPeel, respectively. Which treatment you choose will be a consideration between the results you wish to see and the downtime you have available. For the MicroPeel and NanoPeel, patients often space maintenance treatments over the course of three months to one year, with each treatment exhibiting additive results. Dr. Brock can assess you and make recommendations based on his training, knowledge of the laser treatments, and experience. Contact us now and restore your skin to the beautiful condition you desire!

Laser Resurfacing Cost

The cost of laser resurfacing can depend on many factors. Prices change depending on the scope of the skin damage and the duration of the treatment.


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I absolutely love Dr. Brock and the entire staff at Arkansas Oculoplastic Surgery. While any type of surgery, especially involving the eye(s), can be concerning or frightening.

Arrange Your Consultation

Find out more about what getting laser resurfacing in Little Rock involves—contact our office today to schedule your informative consultation.

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